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Enantiomer ( Chiral ) Separation Columns / Protein Ligand Columns
Cation Exchange Columns / Gas Chromatography Columns

Thalidomide interconverts between (R)- and (S)-enantiomers with protein binding of 55% and 65%, respectively. The (R)-form is responsible for sedative effects and the (S)-form is responsible for immunomodulatory effects.

Enantiopure drug

An enantiopure drug is a pharmaceutical that is available in one specific enantiomeric form. Most biological molecules (proteins, sugars, etc.) are present in only one of many chiral forms, so different enantiomers of a chiral drug molecule bind differently (or not at all) to target receptors. One enantiomer of a drug may have a desired beneficial effect while the other may cause serious and undesired side effects, or sometimes even beneficial but entirely different effects.[1] Advances in industrial chemical processes have made it economical for pharmaceutical manufacturers to take drugs that were originally marketed as a racemic mixture and market the individual enantiomers, either by specifically manufacturing the desired enantiomer or by resolving a racemic mixture. On a case-by-case basis, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has allowed single enantiomers of certain drugs to be marketed under a different name than the racemic mixture.[2]Also case-by-case, the United States Patent Office has granted patents for single enantiomers of certain drugs. The regulatory review for marketing approval (safety and efficacy) and for patenting (proprietary rights) is independent, and differs country by country.

Chiral column chromatography

Chiral column chromatography is a variant of column chromatography in which the stationary phase contains a single enantiomer of a chiral compound rather than being achiral.
The two enantiomers of the same analyte compound differ in affinity to the single-enantiomer stationary phase and therefore they exit the column at different times.

The chiral stationary phase can be prepared by attaching a suitable chiral compound to the surface of an achiral support such as silica gel, which creates a Chiral Stationary Phase (CSP). Many common chiral stationary phases are based on oligosaccharides such as cellulose or cyclodextrin(in particular with β-cyclodextrin, a seven sugar ring molecule). As with all chromatographic methods, various stationary phases are particularly suited to specific types of analytes.

Chiral Stationary Phases are much more expensive than comparable achiral stationary phases such asC18.

The principle can be also applied to the fabrication of monolithic HPLC columns[1] or gas chromatography columns.[2]

Leading with Quality, Performance and Cost
Our partners, the Shinwa Chemical Industries are experts in the field of separation technology.
Since establishment Shinwa Chemical have especially accumulated a significant technology and manufacturing know-how through commitment and support for our customers' research and development requirements with our technology and experience backed up by a long history.


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